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Herbal Home Remedies for all Diseases - 3

Earwax is one of the natural secretions of the body. It has the function of protecting the eardrum from dust, and it also keeps the ear canal lubricated. Details...
Addiction to smoking has two main causes: nicotine toxicity and stress. Once a person becomes a smoker. Details...
Almost every­one does some extra munching now and then. But if you often continue eating even though you are full. Details...
A sore throat is caused by irritation and inflammation of the throat. This condition is generally quite easy to remedy using Ayurvedic methods. Details...
There are so many possible reasons for the swelling, finding out the cause is essential for maximally effective treatment. Nevertheless, the following recommendations should prove helpful. Details...
For help with spastic colon, you can use the remedies suggested under "Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Details...
Around the age of 40, alochaka pitta (a sub­type of pitta associated with vision) tends to become low, and people frequently find that their eyes become irritated. Details...
Sprains and strains are similar, there is a difference. A sprain affects ligaments and is a pitta condition. Details...
We have a number of Ayurvedic suggestions for maintaining your eyes in strength and health. Details...
Stomachache is a very ambiguous symptom. Many causes are possible: acid stomach, acid indigestion, constipation, eating the wrong kind of food, even toxicity in the liver. Details...
Increased vata dosha, along with excess pitta moving in the nervous system, cause fainting and dizziness. Details...
Stress is a psychosomatic disorder that has many causes in our day-to-day life. Details...
Fatigue is physical and mental stress. How ever, it is not always due to overwork. Details...
Sunburn is an acute inflammatory condition of the skin cells due to overexposure to ultraviolet radiation from the sun. Details...
Fever is a sign of ama (toxins) moving in the circulatory system. Contrary to what some people believe, fever is not often a sign of infection. Details...
In strenuous sports and athletic activities such as running or jumping, a person can pull a muscle and cause inflammation of the ten. don, leading to tendinitis or bursitis. Details...
fibrocystic breast disease is a kapha disorder. Excess kapha builds up, leading to congestion, enlargement of the breasts, tenderness, and development of fibrocystic tissue. Details...
When persons who have thick, tough toe­nails cut their nails in a convex curve, as the nails grow the edges may start to penetrate the skin and cut the soft tissue. Details...
To deal effectively with food allergies and minimize their negative impact on your life, begin by making a list of foods you appear to be allergic to you will usually find, according to Ayurvedic dietetics. Details...
Toothache may be caused by receding gums, cavities, sensitivity due to hyperacidity, and or infection. Details...
Gallstones are a kapha disorder associated with underactive thyroid and slow metabolism. Gallstones begin with stagnation of bile in the gallbladder. Details...
Ulcers in the gastrointestinal tract are a pitta disorder. Pitta is hot, sharp, and penetrating, and when aggravated, it can erode the sur­face of internal organs or soft tissues. Details...
Every person at some time or another gets gases and disturbances in the colon. We are all vulnerable to this condition for several reasons. Details...
Increasing intraocular pressure, due to accu­mulation of kapha dosha in the vitreous humor, is called glaucoma. When glaucoma is occurring in an eye, palpation will show a tenseness in that eye. Details...
Yeast infections are a result of a mixed pitta and kapha disorder. To heal them, first one has to follow a proper diet, which must not increase either pitta or kapha. Details...
Piles or haemorrhoids, is a varicose and often inftamed condition of the veins about the lower end of the bowel. Details...
Pneumonia is the inflammation of the substance of the lungs which manifests itself' in many forms. Details...
Rheumatic fever rheumatism accomp anied by rise in temperature and pain in the joints is a serious disorder of childhood. Details...
Scarlet fever or scarlatina is characterised by high temperature of the body, a sore throat, and a diffused red rash all over the Details...
Stammering is a condition in which a person hesitates in the act of speaking& being unable for a time to pronounce certain. Details...
The best way to prepare a mud pack is to take clay from about four inches below the surface of the earth Details...


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