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Showing posts from May 9, 2008

Breast Enhancement

  Breast Enhancement   Most women would like to change the size and the shape of their breasts. And while the cosmetic changes are easy to achieve and reverse, if needed, breast augmentation surgery is not for everyone. Surgical breast augmentation is a substantial investment of time and money, it has a lot of health consequences and the results can never be fully predictable. All together, these factors can make breast augmentation a last resort for those who want to change the size and shape of their breasts. There are several alternatives that women can try to improve the shape of their breasts before resorting to surgery. These breast enhancement techniques range from breast enhancement creams and pills to easy breast enhancement exercises that tone all of your upper body. Breast Enhancement Pills Breast enhancement pills usually offer a combination of several herbal ingredients. Most often, the formula includes fenugreek, saw palmetto, Mexican wild yam, fennel, Dong Qu

Breast Enhancement Exercises

Breast Enhancement Exercises Breast enhancement exercises are perhaps the cheapest and most natural method for promoting breast growth although they require a dedicated approach to make them work. The most popular breast enhancement exercise is a push-up. Here's the right way to do push-ups: 1) Lie facing down on your stomach on a flat surface 2) Bend your knees and cross your ankles. 3) Now start bending your elbows while keeping your palms in line with your shoulders. 4) Remaining balanced on your palms and elbows raise your body - keeping your ankles crossed. This way, you don't raise too much weight. Don't straighten your elbows when raising the body - it may cause damage to your joints. 5) Slowly lower your entire body, but don't lie down. You should decrease the angle only until your arms become in line with the floor. You should try to repeat push-ups ten times, gradually increasing the repetitions as you get stronger. Breast enhancement exercises, li

'How to get bigger breasts'

'How to get bigger breasts' The question 'how to get bigger breasts' is apparently asked by most women in the world. Most women are not satisfied with what they are endowed with. Most of them want bigger and fuller breasts. They want their breasts to be better-contoured. Recent medical and surgical developments have made sure that women would get they want bigger and fuller breasts. Studies have shown that more and more women are resorting to surgery and implants in order to achieve bigger breasts. This is in spite of the fact that breast enlargement can now be achieved the natural way. How to get bigger breasts may be a question that can be easily answered by surgery and implants. Unfortunately, surgeries for breast enlargement are usually very tedious methods and very expensive as well. There are also plenty of dangers involved. Plus, more and more women are coming to realize that surgery and implants for breast enlargements are very invasive. Moreover, br


BACK EXERCISES   Back exercises help strengthen and increase the flexibility of the muscles that support the back. It is important to exercise to keep in shape and have a strong, flexible back.   Back pain can affect people who are active as well as inactive. It is usually associated with weak muscles and poor flexibility of the back. Exercises can be done even when there is pain. Exercises are usually started a week after the pain begins. A healthcare provider can suggest a special exercise program for anyone with a back problem. Often 20 minutes of walking several times a day is the first exercise that is suggested. As the back pain gets better, more active exercise will be added, such as swimming, stationary bicycling or jogging. Exercises such as double-leg raises, straight-leg sit-ups, sit-ups done with another person holding the feet, timed sit-ups, and standing toe touches should never be done. They put too much pressure and stress on the back.   The following exercis


CAUSES OF BACK PAIN Many people suffer from back pain. Usually, the origin of back pain is the skeletal system and the muscles that support it. Back pain may also be caused by kidney, gastrointestinal or cardiac disorders. It may be caused by other organs or by a side effect of other diseases. Once someone has had back pain, it is likely to be experienced again. The longer back pain goes on, the worse it gets. This cycle can be stopped when you know a little about your back and how it works. The spine is made up of stacked bones called the vertebrae. They are arranged in three natural curves that keep your body supported. Strong, flexible muscles and ligaments help maintain these curves. Soft cushions called discs act as shock absorbers between the bones. The nerves run through the holes in the center of the vertebrae and branch out to your body. The bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, or discs can cause back pain. Here's how: The bones of the spine can de

Back pain

Back pain   Most people have low back pain at some time in their lives. Back pain is responsible for many lost workdays each year. Most acute back pain will go away by itself in a few days or weeks. Back pain or injury can occur to anyone. It can be caused by stress on the muscles and ligaments that support the back. Jobs that require a lot of sitting or a lot of standing may contribute to back pain. Being overweight puts extra pressure on the back. Strenuous sports like football can injure the back. The pain can be a mild discomfort that is just a mild ache in the lower back to severe pain that keeps the person from doing anything. Severe pain does not indicate a more serious cause of the pain. Often, very little needs to be done for back pain to make it better. Many times it will go away without any treatment. Bed rest is not suggested any more, as staying in bed can make the back muscles weaker. If the pain is severe, no more than 1 to 2 days of rest may help. Sometimes, a h

Weight Problems

Weight Problems In our culture, we seem to value people with perfect bodies. Trim and thin people are in ads, on TV, and are the models who wear the newest fashions. It is no wonder then, that overweight teens feel self-conscious about their looks. Many teens that are overweight have been heavy since childhood. Many have learned to cope with the teasing by staying out of social situations like dances, athletics, or parties. While some people are just big-boned, others are heavy because they do not eat properly and rarely exercise. Exercise, whether walking, jogging, or biking, is part of a weight loss program. Just 30 minutes a day at least 4 times a week can make a big difference in weight. Exercise is also important in staying physically and emotionally healthy. Another part of a weight loss plan is eating healthy foods. That means avoiding fast food and junk food, and eating fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains. Cutting down on fat is very important. However, remember that low-fat f

Healthy Weight Gain

Healthy Weight Gain Weight gain should always be in the form of muscle, not fat. If you think you're too thin and want to gain weight, don't just stuff yourself with food, especially high fat foods. To build muscle, start a weight-bearing exercise program and make healthy food choices. EXERCISE is key to having a healthy body. Learn how to add muscle and strength to your arms and legs. Learn how to do a SAFE weight training and exercise program from a CERTIFIED exercise instructor at a gym or in your home. Underweight older people look and feel frail because they have lost a high percentage of their muscles. People, who are inactive, whether young or old, will lose muscle mass. Loss of muscle means loss of strength. Frail people are often unable to carry out daily activities such as climbing stairs or lifting a bag of groceries. Adding pounds of fat instead of muscle to a weak, frail body will not improve strength and will put the person's health at greater risk. As your bo


HOW TO GET PREGNANT FASTER – TOP TEN TIPS 1. Have sex three times a week. Having regular sex is the best way to get pregnant. Couples often try to time everything perfectly for ovulation but do not have sex when they think they are not ovulating. It is true that sex that is not within the time of ovulation will not result in pregnancy. However, because women do not always ovulate when they think they will, having sex three times a week will help to a woman cover her bases, so to speak, and not miss an opportunity to get pregnant. 2. Use an ovulation prediction kit or fertility monitor. Using an ovulation kit to predict when you are ovulating will improve your chances of getting pregnant. For many women charting or other methods of ovulation prediction are too confusing. Ovulation prediction kits work by reading LH surges prior to ovulation. They are relatively easy to use and are generally accurate for predicting ovulation. Fertility monitors, such as the Clear Blue Easy monitor, are a