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Showing posts from April 2, 2008


WHAT IS RHEUMAITSM? In brief, Rheumatism is described as inflammation of joints, resulting in their swelling and triggering an excruciating pain. Stiffness sets in these joints, leaving them useless. This joint disorder is called Rheumatoid arthritis WHAT CAUSES RHEUMATISM? Generally, it is an age related problem. The marrow contained inside th3e bones, lubricates the joints, facilitating their smooth movements. With ageing, this bone marrow start5s drying up, thus causing friction in the joints. This causes inflammation and pain in the joints. In an obese body, the weight bearing joints even wear out. This causes their swelling and stiffness, ultimately crippling the patient’s movements. AYURVEDIC INTERPRETATION Accumulated ‘Vata’ [air], blocks the wind carrying channels with the gathered ‘Ama’ or ‘Pitta’ or ‘Kapha’, causing Vata derangement [Margavarodha]. The vata is termed as ‘obstructive vata’. This obstructive vata, with the other toxins like Ama, Pitta or Kapha, accumulates arou