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Monday, November 9, 2009
General Health Topics
22 with Breakouts?
50year old female arms hurt
a pelvic pain...??
academic motivation tips
Accidentally ate alfalfa sprouts when pregnant. Danger for my baby?
aches and pains
Aches and pains on hip/thigh
adult chicken pox vaccine
Advice on an Oral Surgeon
After giving Birth, depo, breastfeeding
Aging parents sick often
Air filtration
Alcohol and increased heart rate
All fingers falling asleep.
allergic to metal
Allergy Hell
Allergy symptoms
Am i still growing?
Ankle cracking
ankle injury
appendicitis/getting appendix removed
Appendix In The Body
Are fluorescent light bulbs safe?
Are there any tests that can detrmine what a person is allergic to?
artificial coloring on food
association between colon cancer and bowels
Asthma rescue inhaler
Average price of a tonsil removal surgery
Bad Breath
bad dry skin!
baking soda and fridge
banana radioactivity
bathroom, toilets, and infection
Bicep Tendonitis
biology lab specimens
Birth Control and Tanning
Birth Control and Tanning Beds
biting my cheek in my sleep?
Bleeding after bowel movement
Bleeding after going to the bathroom
bleeding after gong to the washroom
bloating after laser treatment for heavy periods
blood in butt
blood in stool
blood pressure
blotchy neck/chest
body ache
boiling water and bacteria
bottled water
bowel discharge
bowel movements
bowel movements and constipation
boyfriend has no sex drive
Brain infected from impacted tooth?
Branding Burn
breast lump
Breast size decreased
Brittle nails and long time to heal
broken eardrum?
bubble-like bumps on inside of lower lip
bug bite
bulging discs
bump on inner lip in mouth
bump on my neck
bump on top of left testicle,
Bumps on back of throat
bumps on fingers
bumps on hand
Bumps on scalp
bumps on the back of my throat
Burning/Stinging in left leg!!
Can a patient with hematospermia still create babies
Can cholesterol be too low?
can high blood pressure affect contact lenses?
can I catch a disease from a cat?
Can I smoke marijuana while recovering from mono?
can panic attacks be from lsd,extacy, or pot
Can sebaceous prominence be transmitted?
Can stress cause you to lose hair?
can way too much gas = a gall bladder problem?
can wireless products cause cancer?
Can yeast infection creams be used when you're menstruating?
Can you explain blood pressure ?
can you get pimples from shaving your pubic area?
canker sore
Canker sores
Can't keep it up
Can't sleep
cavity search??
chances of contacting diseases with any pointy objects
Chancre sores in Primary Syphillis
change of eating
chapped lips
chest pain
chest pains
chickenpox shot
Chronic chapped lips
Chronic Dry Skin
chronic sinus infection
cocaine and pregnancy
cold and flu with my period
Colds, congestion, and clogged ears
Color of feces
common sense
computer screen and eye damage?
constant cracking ankle
Constant swooshing in head
cosmetic surgery while pregnant
Could I have mono?
CPR Lessons
Cut myself on rusty metal ~ how quickly should I get a tetnus shot?
Cytotoxic drugs and pharmacy / increased risk
dental for international students
did my scabies have babies?
Discoloration on legs after tanning
Diseases from a public beathroom?
Diseases from drinking milk?
Do breast enhancement pills work ?
do diet pills affect birth control
Do I have allergies?
Do I need a tetanus shot?
Do I need to go for a tetnus now, or can I wait?
do you get weak or does your belly tend to hurt if you have mono?
Does a doctor have to know who you kissed if you have mono?
Does Medical examination mean Drug test
Dried blood in belly button
drinking alcohol during pregnancy
drinking water all the time
drug injection
Dry skin question
Ear Ache...dangerous?
ear and taste
ear infection?
eardrum has a hole or not
eating chinese food all the time
effects of tetanus shot
effects of vaccines on the pill
elderly alarms
Elevated calcium (Hypercalcemia)
Embarassing nose hair
exercising indoors
Exposure to formaldehyde and similar substances
extreme heat while sleeping
Eye Floaters
eye lashes
Eyelashes falling out
eyelid irritated
Eyes tear when having bowel movement
facial hair
Family Planning Project
Fear of Needles
Feeling exhausted on Ortho Tri Cyclen Lo
feeling lightheaded/weird after intensive focus?
fibromyalgia and hashimotos
Finding the right prenatal pills
Finger problem ... itchy bumps?
Finger shrunken heavily after contact with water
fingers falling asleep
fluorescent lightbulbs
flushing toilet
foggy double vision
Food and flies
Forearm and hand pain
Free HIV testing
free radicals"
gagging on toothpaste
GAINING WEIGHT on birth control
General blood and urine testing
General Location of tetnus shot
Glandular fever and drug use
Good Internet Resources for Health Information
grow taller
Growing, stretching fingers/body height
Hair Folical Fungus.
Hair growth
hair on penis
hairs -- too much body hair
Hand Keeps Falling Asleep
hands falling asleep
Hate going to the doctor
head injury
headache after studying
headaches after ejaculation
headaches and dizzyness
Health hazards for high risk jobs
Health hazards of fiberglass materials
health risks of health professions
heart bypass complications
Heart Pain?
heat rash??
Heel pain when walking
height growth
Help! No insurance! 1/8" dia hard perfectly round clear bump inside lip...
hepatitis b
HGH stimulants
HIV testing
hives and allergy reaction
holding breath
holding my breath
Hoodia Goronll
hormone overdose
Hot foods and children
How can i boost my immune system?
How can I safely remove hair on my penis?
how can you remove vaseline petroleum jelly from hair?
how do you manage tetanus?
How important is an air filter?
How long does it take to get over mono?
how long does it take?
how long does mono take to get over
how much caffeine is harmful?
How much earwax is too much?
How often do you need to get a tetanus shot?
How to give self an Imitrex shot
how to treat a potential tetanus infection?
HPA axis suppression
I am 7 Months pregnant with little red bumps on my lower stomach and my arms .. What could it be???
I can't cry
I found a thick single hair growing out of an old pimple on my buttock cheek. What is this?
i have a low grade fever, sore throat and three small red hives on my arm
i have had a bad headache for almost 2 days...
I have had bright green poop lately
I have itchy hands, feet, and ears. What's wrong?
I have red bumps at the very tip of my tongue
I just got my tonsils removed ... can i smoke pot?
If I have long should I wait before I start drinking again ?
I'm a female losing hair and more?
indoor tanning and acne
infection question
Infections from public restrooms?
Information about hospital-acquired infections
Information on Meningitis
Inguinal Hernia
inhaling, swallowing dust...
Internal Bleeding
iodine and radiation
iron count and pregnancy
Is coffee bad for you?
is constipation a side effect of orthotricycln
Is douching safe?
Is douching with plain water okay?
Is inactive tuberculosis contagious?
Is it a cold or allergies?
is my cholesterol too low?
Is smoking really bad for you?
Is there a way to test to see if you had mono?
Is there anything I can do to fall asleep earlier?
Is there vitamin k in marijuana?
Itchiness or blood clog?
Itching rash similar to mosquito bites
Itchy dry feet
ITCHY RASH - occuring on different areas of my body
jaw pops
Jaw Surgery
Kidney transplants
Knee pain
Large Breasts
laser damage in a copier
Laser Hair Removal
Lead nitrate, dangerous?
lead paint in dorms
Learning Disabilities?
left lower side pain
left side pain
Lengths with/without a period
Light green urine
Light Headed after orgasm
limit of range of motion neck fusion
little bumps on face
little bumps under my eyes
little red bumps occur only at night
long term effects of excercise
Lower side pain?
Lowered Immunity
lump on back of neck
lung injuries
lymph nodules
Make-up, face washing, and break-outs?
marajuana smoke around infants
marijuana and hemorroids
Marijuana with medication
Masturbation = balding?
Melting styrofoam b/c of food
Mercury in dental fillings?
mercury therometer disposal
Mercury to make mirrors?
metallic taste in mouth
microderm abrasions.
microwaves and cell phones
Migraine symptoms
moldy, smelly refrigerator
mole removal
mono and insomnia
muscle twitching
my daughters hair? is it oily?
My eye won't stop twitching!
My hand "tingles" in the morning?
My hand keeps falling asleep while I'm sleeping
My memory is depleating by the day. i know i need help.
My tampon won't stay in, why?
nail, teeth, & hair damage from drug use?
Nausea at Night
nausea/ Headache
Neck lump
neck/chest rash when nervous or upset
nerve tingling when popping neck
Nervous tics, or something more?
No time for sleep, help?
non painful neck spasms
normal? gas?
Not writing what I read
numbness & tingling
on-campus lead/absestsos
One time burning when peeing
one year after breastfeeding
Orthotricyclen & Thyroids
Ovarian cancer?
Pain after shot
pain on left side of throat, then bump on head appears
painful bump on back of throat
Painful lumps in armpits
painful penis
pap smear process
Peculiar Bump
period on day of surgery
Persistent night time cough
Perspiration station!
phase of taking medicine
phosphoric/hydrochloric acid on an open wound
pimple on my palate
Pimples on my Butt Cheeks
plugged nose
popping or crackling knuckles
possible mono?
Possibly Pregnant
Pot during pregnancy
potassium chloride
Pregnancy and roller coasters
Pregnancy Sign Explanation
premature graying
Pre-Occupational therapy
Pre-operative blood work
Pros/Cons of wearing Bras
puffy under eyes
Pus in the Back of my throat
queston about colonics
Rash on upper leg
reason for dizzy spells
reboiling water and health
Recently acquired: painful, red bumps on tongue-help!
red bump on back of throat
red bumps on tip of tongue
Red bumps on upper arms
Red dots on back of throat
red eyes
red spots in the back of the throat
reddish spot on left breast
Redness of the face
reducing cholesterol
Remedy for allergy to cats
remodel a human to live at a research station that is far from the sun.
removing hair permanently
reply to sleeping and urination
reqd El Salvador vaccines
response to nitrates & water
Rheumatoid arthritis
rotator cuff tear
runny nose and sinus
rusty metal and tetanus
rusty showerheads
safe micro-organisms
safe to ingest vaseline/petroleum jelly?
saliva ph testing
scraped wound on dirty/rusty sofa metal
Secondhand smoking
sensitive teeth
Sensitive to hot and cold
Shots for India
Should I get a flu vaccine?
should I go in for a checkup?
Should I worry about low blood pressure?
should my 6 month old baby have a tetanus shot
Shoulder pain
Side affect after coming off Ortho tri cyclen lo
side cramps?
side effects for tetnus shot
side effects of a tetanus shot
side effects of tetnus shot
Side pain
side pain??
Sideaffects of coming off the pill
singing and damaging vocal cords
singing and damaging voice
skin tone
Sleep deprivation
Sleeping a lot, but still feel very tired.
Sleeping and Urination
Sleeping problems
Sleeping Problems
slight tickle in my feet when i lay down
Slightly painful white bump on tongue
Small bump on my neck
small bumps
small red bumps on palms
small skincolor bumps all over my neck
Smelly Ears
Smelly Urine
smoking and bcps
smoking at a very young age
Smoking Marijuana while on Birth Control Pills
Social Anxiety
Sometimes I hear ringing in my ear followed by a temporary episode of blocked hearing, then it goes back up to fully hearable...
Son has bowel movements every 7-10 days,
Sore throat pain what could it be
sore veins in legs
sore yellow spots on bottom of feet
soreness in the temples
sperm and fertility?
Sperm head to big??
Spots in throat
Sprained ankle
staph bacteria on open food meat
staying awake
Sterility testing
stomach ache
stomach aches
stopped wearing glasses
Stopping the pill
strange movement in stomach
strange question
Studying makes me lightheaded!
studying with music
Sudden bruise on the chin
suggestions for affordable dental care?
sulfur for acne
surgery on tonsils
Swelling fibroids
Swollen glands
swollen, sore lump between neck & collarbone
symptoms of mono
taking xanex durrig pregnancy?
tan on overcast days?
tanning and skin cracking
Tanning helps clear acne?
tanning on an overcast day
tanning, sun vs. bed
tapeworms and fish
Tender around fore skin and head of penis
tetanus shot
Tetanus shot reaction?
Tetanus Shot Side Effects
tetanus shots
tetanus vaccination reactions
tetnus shot
The big myth: Does chocolate & cheese cause acne?
the patch and morning nausea
Thought i was pregnant...
three months no mensturation and not pregnant
Throat pain
Thyroid issues
Tingling sensation (mainly left-side)
tongue peircing
Too much pain after sex!! HELP
Toothpick puncture tetnus shot
torn toncils
tramadol and paxil ... seizure risk?
Trying for a baby
twisted ankle
Twitching eye
typhoid vaccine and yellow fever shot
Uneven skin colouration
unsanitary styrofoam
urine testing by hospital
Varicose veins
Very high HDL levels
vitamin c
voice damage
voice deepening as you age
walking pnemonia
walking unsteady
water deposits in bathtub
Way too forgetful
weight loss (face)
weight loss from prenatal vitamins
What are the signs of tetanus?
what are the symptoms after a long sex?
What are the symptoms of a sinus infection?
What are the symptons of tetanus?
What causes a pain in my side
What causes dandruff?
What causes hiccups ?
What causes sleep talking?
what food/nutrients are brain-enhancing?
What is "confidential" HIV testing?
What is a good remedy for bad bikini line rash?
What is Molluscum Contagiosum?
what is my blood cholesterol level?
What is TMJ?
What is walking pnemonia?
What's the controversy surrounding the meningoccocal vaccine I keep hearing lately?
What's the story with Vitamin B shots?
When does a woman ovulate?
When my leg "falls asleep," why does it feel like needles are poking it?
Where can i go to get tested for free in Oregon Ohio
white chuncks in mouth
White dots in throat
White Dots on tonsels
White pus pocket on back of throat
why do i have big recurring pimples on my neck?
Why do things taste different to different people?
Will having mono make me skip my period?
will i always be fertile
wisdom teeth and singing
wisdom teeth problems
wisdom tooth area jaw pain sensitive to heat/cold
wondering if my boyfriend doing drugs or pills??
Wrist pain
yawning and spasms
Yeast infection for SIX years now
Yeast Infections
yellow ring around toilet
yogurt and constipation
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