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Monday, September 22, 2008

Herbal Home Remedies for all Diseases - 1


Acne is the result of high pitta moving under the skin and breaking out in pimples. Ayurveda recommends several natural ap­proaches that, taken together, can effectively control acne. Details...
Hair Care Secrets

In Ayurveda, hair (along with nails) is considered to be a by-product of bone formation. The dhatu or tissue responsible for building bones (asthi) also gives rise to toe hair. Details...
Anger and Hostility

Anger and hostility are signs of aggravated pitta in the nervous system. Pitta is necessary for right understanding and judgment, but when it gets disturbed or out of balance.
Gum Disease

Gum disease includes receding gums, bleeding gums, gingivitis, and swollen gums.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is primarily a vata disorder, caused by weakness of the muscles of the bladder, especially the bladder sphincter. Details...

Teeth and Gums-Ayurvedic Care

According to Ayurveda, teeth are a by product of bone. Cavities in the teeth, and reced­ing gums, are signs of aggravation of vata in the skeletal system. Details...


Why are people addicted? In the majority of cases , people who are addicted start out simply seeking more pleasure and joy in their life.


Drinking too much alcohol may become toxic to the stomach and liver, which triggers pitta and can eventually lead to serious illness.


Allergies are a doshic reaction to a specific allergen, such as pollen, dust, chem­icals on a rug, ragweed, or 'any strong chemical smell.


Headaches are a very complex phenomenon. Ayurveda speaks a great deal about the etio­logical factors behind headaches and the many ways headaches manifest.

Anaemia is a condition where the amount of blood in the body is less than normal. Its chief symptom is paleness of skin, a wan face, disinclination towards work of any kind, loss of appetite and a general lack of well-being.
Hearing Loss

In older people, prana vata tends to get debilitated, leading to what is known as conductive or nerve deafness The person doesn't hear properly because the nerves become weak.


Angina (chest pain), is a condition created by kapha dosha. Accumulated kapha blocks the flow of prana vata into the coronary artery, so that the heart muscles do not receive sufficient blood and oxygen supply. Details...

Heartburn and Acid Stomach

These conditions are usually quite easy to control with the following natural Ayurvedic home remedies. Details...


Anxiety, which often is associated witn insomnia and feelings of fear, is due primarily to aggravation of vata dosha in the nero vous system. Details...


There are two basic kinds of hemorrhoids, associated with vata and pitta imbalances. Details...

Appetite Low

Poor appetite is a condition of low jatharagni (digestive fire). Low agni may be due to slow metabolism, or slow metabolism caused by low agni; each affects the other. Details...


Herpes labialis comes through the oral contact of kissing, or drinking from the same cup or glass. Details...


Ayurveda distinguishes three categories 01 arthritis, corresponding to vata, pitta, and kapha. To treat this condition properly, it is vital to carefully diagnose which type you have. Details...


Hiccups are caused by ischemia, or lack of blood supply to the diaphragm. Details...

Asthma and Wheezing

Bronchial asthma is characterized by sudden attacks of short, gasping breaths accompanied by wheezing. If the attack is not stopped, the person may have increasing difficulty breathing. Details...


A healthy heart pumps the blood through the veins and arteries with a certain optimum amount of pressure. Details...

Athlete's Foot

People with kapha-pitta constitutions, who sweat a lot, are most prone to get athlete's foot. This is an itchy, inflammatory condi­tion between the toes, often accompanied by sweating on the soles of the feet. Details...

If you are late to eat at your regular mealtime and you feel light-headed or dizzy while standing up, or experience palpitations, tremor, nausea, drowsiness, sweating, nervousness, or mental confusion all these indicate hypoglycemia. Details...
Backache is uncommonly common these days. It has become an occupational hazard in many different kinds of work. People may pull or strain their back muscles while living a heavy load or while sitting at a desk in front of a computer. Details...

Impotence, which is a man's inability to have or to maintain an erection, may have several causes. Details...

Bad Breath

Bad breath is often a sign of systemic toxicity, either in the colon, intestine, or mouth. It can also be due to chronic indigestion or malabsorption. Details...


If your food intake is large in quantity and heavy, very liquid, or quite dense in quality, these properties are antagonistic to the properties of gastric fire and can inhibit the normal function of the agni, leading to indigestion. Details...


Hair loss is a subtle metabolic disorder. It may be related to disease. I have seen hair loss in persons with diabetes, for example, or following typhoid infection. Details...


Insomnia is an uncommonly common disorder in the modern world, caused primarily by an increase of vata dosha in the mind or nervous system. Details...

Bites and Stings

Any bite or sting of an insect can trigger a local irritation of pitta under the skin. Details...

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

According to us, Irritable bowel syndrome is due to vata pushing pitta into the colon. To help correct the situation, combine the following herbs. Details...

Bladder Problems

Problems with the bladder and urination may indicate cystitis, an inflammation of the bladder that causes a burning sensation when passing urine. Details...

Jet Lag

Jet lag is essentially a condition of excess vata in the body. Traveling on a jet at a tremendous speed induces a light, mobile, and spacy quality in the system, which aggravates vata. Details...

Bleeding External

Some people, however, bleed for a longer time, because the blood does not cooperate and clot quickly enough. Details...

Kidney Problems

Congestion, high pitta, or crystal urea in the kidney, as well as kidney stones, can all cre­ate tightness and pain in the lower back area. Details...

Bleeding Internal

Internal bleeding include peptic ulcer, hematoma (a blood-filled swelling), and bleeding through the urethra. To help put a stop to the bleeding, make an herbal compound out of these Ayurvedic herbs: lodhra, kushtha, bilva. Details...
Kidney Stones

There are different types of kidney stones, corresponding to vata, pitta, and kapha dosha. Details...


Boils-painful, pus-filled inflammations of the skin and subcutaneous tissue have many causes. Details...

Low Libido

Libido is the desire for pleasure and satisfaction. According to Ayurveda, this desire derives from shukra dhatu, the male reproductive tissue, and artava dhatu, the female repro­ductive tissue. Details...


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