Breast reduction exercises
Breast reduction exercises do not actually reduce breast size, but tend to tighten the muscles of the chest; breast reduction exercises therefore create the impression that the breasts are being lifted. In addition, doing breast reduction exercises often changes the shape of the breast. The changes brought about by such breast reduction exercises as arm circles can vary from person to person.
The specific effects of various breast reduction exercises are related to the proportion of glandular and fatty tissues to muscle tissue. Most breast reduction exercises tone the muscle tissue that lies under the glandular and fatty tissue, although some breast reduction exercises also help reduce the amount of fatty tissue in the breast. Increased muscle tone from breast reduction exercises results in a flatter appearance in the chest, but the changes are often minimal. Breast reduction exercises that reduce fat tissue can further shrink the breast, but there appear to be no breast reduction exercises that decrease glandular tissue. Most large breasts are comprised mainly of glandular tissue, so breast reduction exercises make only moderate changes to breast size.
Workout Question:I am naturally very large chested (my siblings and mother are also). I would like to know the best exercises to make my chest smaller as I have tried many exercises and only ended up making my chest larger which makes it seem very unnatural. I'm very self conscious and worry as I have 4 daughters of my own who will have this problem.
Workout Answer:Since breast tissue is composed of mainly adipose tissue (fat), you will want to follow a plan to reduce your overall body fat levels. When you lose body fat, it will come off from all over your body including your breast tissue. Many women actually see most of the initial fat reduction in the breast region, so its a matter of following the right plan to lose this unwanted body fat.
Stick with higher repetitions when training your chest. Here are some great chest exercises to include in your workout plan:
- Chest Exercises - Barbell Bench Press
- Chest Exercises - Dips
- Chest Exercises - Pec Deck Butterflys
- Chest Exercises - Decline Dumbbell Flyes
- Chest Exercises - Pushups
Upper Chest Exercises:Chest Exercises - Incline Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Incline Bench Cable Flyes
Chest Exercises - Incline Dumbbell FlyesChest Exercises - Incline Supinating Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Incline Bench Dumbbell Press
Chest Exercises - Hammer Grip Incline Dumbbell Press
Chest Exercises - Declined Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Exercise Ball Inclined Pushups
Chest Exercises - Incline Bench Cable Flyes
Chest Exercises - Incline Dumbbell FlyesChest Exercises - Incline Supinating Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Incline Bench Dumbbell Press
Chest Exercises - Hammer Grip Incline Dumbbell Press
Chest Exercises - Declined Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Smith Machine Incline Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Exercise Ball Inclined Pushups
Middle Chest Exercises:Chest Exercises - Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Barbell Pullovers
Chest Exercises - Dumbbell Pullovers
Chest Exercises - Pec Deck Butterflys
Chest Exercises - Cable Crossovers
Chest Exercises - Close Grip Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Dips
Chest Exercises - Flat Bench Dumbbell PressChest Exercises - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Flat Bench Cable Flyes
Chest Exercises - Isometric Chest Presses
Chest Exercises - Machine Bench PressChest Exercises - Single Arm Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Narrow Grip Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Smith Machine Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - FreeMotion Cable Crossovers
Chest Exercises - Medicine Ball One Arm Pushups
Lower Chest Exercises:Chest Exercises - Decline Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Decline Dumbbell Bench PressChest Exercises - Decline Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Exercise Ball Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Wide Grip Decline Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Barbell Pullovers
Chest Exercises - Dumbbell Pullovers
Chest Exercises - Pec Deck Butterflys
Chest Exercises - Cable Crossovers
Chest Exercises - Close Grip Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Dips
Chest Exercises - Flat Bench Dumbbell PressChest Exercises - Flat Bench Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Flat Bench Cable Flyes
Chest Exercises - Isometric Chest Presses
Chest Exercises - Machine Bench PressChest Exercises - Single Arm Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Narrow Grip Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Smith Machine Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Wide Grip Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - FreeMotion Cable Crossovers
Chest Exercises - Medicine Ball One Arm Pushups
Lower Chest Exercises:Chest Exercises - Decline Barbell Bench Press
Chest Exercises - Decline Dumbbell Bench PressChest Exercises - Decline Dumbbell Flyes
Chest Exercises - Exercise Ball Push Ups
Chest Exercises - Wide Grip Decline Barbell Bench Press
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