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Monday, June 16, 2008


Basics of immunization
How do you ensure good health for your baby, now and in the future? What kind of vaccinations do you need to give your baby over the years? Do vaccinations really help in preventing diseases? Read on for the benefits of immunization.
More on immunizations
        - A comprehensive list of vaccines
        - Immunization schedule for children - By Dr N Shendurnikar
What are Germs?

Childhood illnesses and medical conditions
Your child has barely learnt to express and has already caught some kind of a virus. How do you deal with illnesses like measles, mumps, chicken pox, asthma and many more that you may not even have heard of.
- Asthma
- Chicken Pox (Varicella)
- Convulsions
- German Measles or Rubella
- Whooping cough (pertussis)
- Roseola infantum
- Convulsions and Epilepsy
- Dealing with stomach aches
- Migraines
- Hearing Impairment
- Cure your Child's Cough
- Loose Stools
- Mom's Guide to Adenoids
- Baby Blues
- Eczema
- Epilepsy
- Measles
- Mumps
- Tonsillitis
- Thalassemia
- Ear Infections
- Cough and Cold?
- Allergies
- Worms
- Childhood Allergies
- Treating Childhood Allergies

Medications safe for children
Not all medications are safe for children, especially infants. It is important that you as a parent are aware of safe medicines
More on medications safe for children
    - Traditional Home Remedies
    - Lice - Home Remedies

When parents fall sick
A parent's illness is an anxious time for the whole family and maybe more so for the children. Children tend to worry as to who will look after them.
When parents fall sick

Bowel movements
Irregular bowel movements are a common malady during infancy and childhood. Fortunately, most cases are mild. Knowing the symptoms and their treatment will help you cope.
The dangers of diarrhoea
        - Constipation
        - Causes of Encopresis
        - Understanding Encopresis and Constipation

Keeping your child healthy
Anticipating potential dangers and taking simple measures will go a long way towards preventing suffering and providing a safe environment for your little ones.
        - Provide a Safe Environment for your Baby
        - How to tell your Newborn is Sick? - By Dr. Shendurnikar
Accident Prevention In Childhood - By Dr. Shendurnikar
How to Choose the Right Paediatrician?
        - Yoga for Kids
        - Underweight Child
        - Shower Twice A Day
        - Preventing Tooth Decay - Dr. H. Mehta
        - Wash Your Hands!
        - Monsoon: Rain and Diseases
        - The Common Cold
        - Lead Poisoning
        - Water and Your Child
        - Knock out that cold!
        - Boost Your Child's Health
        - A Fruitful Vacation
        - Healthy Habits
        - A Tryst with Sports - Ramendra Kumar
Stomach Ulcer
        - Brush Up!
        - Oral Hygiene
        - Sleep Tight
        - Breakfast and Kids
        - Easing The Pain: Dealing with Toothaches in Children
        - Dental Care for Young Children

Managing Emergencies
You can take a few basic precautions to make sure that your child does not come in harms way. The important thing is to not panic and
Rescuing a Drowning Child
        - Playing with Fire
        - How Safe is your Child this Diwali?
        - Burns in Children
        - First Aid For Nosebleeds
        - First Aid For Bee Stings
        - First Aid For Bleeding
        - First Aid For Fractures
        - First Aid For Snake Bites
        - First Aid, CPR
        - First Aid For Electric Shock
        - First Aid: Tooth Loss

Face up to the Challenge
Hard as it may be to accept, some children are born with birth defects. Sometimes physical and sometimes mental. Whichever it is, it should be diagnosed in time and treated accordingly. The sooner it is diagnosed the sooner you can get some help.
The Mentally Challenged Child
        - The Visually Challenged Child
        - The Aurally Challenged Child
        - Dyslexia: Amit's World
        - Detect Learning Disabilities in Children
        - Pervasive Developmental Disorders

Related Articles
       - Bowed Legs, Flat Feet and Club Feet - Dr. D. Tanna
       - Tongue-Tie by Dr. Maya Sanghi
       - Choosing Eyeglasses for Children
       - Beware of Lazy-Eye
       - Tender Loving Care
       - Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

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