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Sunday, June 1, 2008



Breast enhancement to increase your breast size naturally without painful surgery

No, you are not alone in your desire to be better endowed. And there is no need to feel embarrassed or shy about it. Having a well-filled breast is almost every woman's dream. Here are a few tips that will help you increase your breast size naturally:
a. Swinging arms clock-wise and then anti-clock-wise for eight counts is of great help.
b. Use the pestle and mortar instead of the mixie for all your grinding work.
c. Massage in circular motions applying pressure on the upward area is known to work.
d. Stand facing a wall at arm's length. Place palms on the wall. Push against the wall as if you were pushing it away, without bending arms at the elbow.. Hold for eight counts and relax arms for eight counts. Repeat this eight to twenty times a day.


Til or Sesame Seeds are very effective in firming and enlarging the breasts of women . This seed is made up of calcium, protein, iron and phosphorous and should be included in one's daily diet. The oil also can be applied on the breast.

You can also try out 

Sovage Breast Augmenting Serum for natural breast enhancement

 which is a very effective product for increasing the breast size naturally without painful surgery!... comes with 100% money back guarantee.


 firm chest?Many women who hit the gym have a secret goal they don't normally tell you. Alot of women want to know the type of exercises required to add a little bit of mass and strength to their chest, in hopes of preventing gravity from taking it's course on their errr.. chest. :P

A weak back and tight chest muscles can result in poor posture in women. An improved posture, however would create the illusion of a firmer and errr.. bigger chest. But whatever the reason, it is quite easy to exercise the chest to achieve this.

Well, to save you women from the embarrassment of having to ask that question, here are a few pointers that may prove to be useful. Basically, any chest exercise will help, but women may want to consider the following for a more 'uplifting' result:

1. The most popular mass builder is the bench press (which I don't see enough women doing at the free weights area). The machine chest press works fine too, but free weights do have their advantages in terms of adding variety to a dull routin and effectiveness, especially if you've been dependant on machines for too long. As intimidating as it may look, this is not a 'men-only' exercise. Try the bench press with either barbells or dumbbells.

2. Ensure you also include inclined presses into your chest workout. If you're female, inclines help to keep your chest up and if you're male - it will keep you from looking like you have man boobs!

3. Try the Butterfly:
- Lay on the bench/floor/ flat ground and hold the weights to your side in your hands when you lay down.
- Now, lift the weights as if you're trying to meet your hands over top of your chest (imagine you're hugging a tree trunk, which means don't bend your elbows too much)
- Hold the peak contraction at the top for a few seconds then return to the start position fully in control of the weights, and repeat.

Be persistent, train hard ,keep your diet in check and the results will show. Hey.. nobody said it would be easy. Then again, you could always opt for surgery. Ouch.



 http://members. _121b_FxX7EqbiB2 ...
http://www.bustblas htm

There are also workouts you can do.
http://www.perfectc breast-enla. ..

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