Basics of immunization
How do you ensure good health for your baby, now and in the future? What kind of vaccinations do you need to give your baby over the years? Do vaccinations really help in preventing diseases? Read on for the benefits of immunization.
- More on immunizations
- A comprehensive list of vaccines
- Immunization schedule for children - By Dr N Shendurnikar
- What are Germs?
Childhood illnesses and medical conditions
Your child has barely learnt to express and has already caught some kind of a virus. How do you deal with illnesses like measles, mumps, chicken pox, asthma and many more that you may not even have heard of.
Medications safe for children
Not all medications are safe for children, especially infants. It is important that you as a parent are aware of safe medicines
- More on medications safe for children
- Traditional Home Remedies
- Lice - Home Remedies
When parents fall sick
A parent's illness is an anxious time for the whole family and maybe more so for the children. Children tend to worry as to who will look after them.
- When parents fall sick
Bowel movements
Irregular bowel movements are a common malady during infancy and childhood. Fortunately, most cases are mild. Knowing the symptoms and their treatment will help you cope.
- The dangers of diarrhoea
- Constipation
- Causes of Encopresis
- Understanding Encopresis and Constipation
Keeping your child healthy
Anticipating potential dangers and taking simple measures will go a long way towards preventing suffering and providing a safe environment for your little ones.
- Provide a Safe Environment for your Baby
- How to tell your Newborn is Sick? - By Dr. Shendurnikar
- Accident Prevention In Childhood - By Dr. Shendurnikar
- How to Choose the Right Paediatrician?
- Yoga for Kids
- Underweight Child
- Shower Twice A Day
- Preventing Tooth Decay - Dr. H. Mehta
- Wash Your Hands!
- Monsoon: Rain and Diseases
- The Common Cold
- Lead Poisoning
- Water and Your Child
- Knock out that cold!
- Boost Your Child's Health
- A Fruitful Vacation
- Healthy Habits
- A Tryst with Sports - Ramendra Kumar
- Stomach Ulcer
- Brush Up!
- Oral Hygiene
- Sleep Tight
- Breakfast and Kids
- Easing The Pain: Dealing with Toothaches in Children
- Dental Care for Young Children
Managing Emergencies
You can take a few basic precautions to make sure that your child does not come in harms way. The important thing is to not panic and
- Rescuing a Drowning Child
- Playing with Fire
- How Safe is your Child this Diwali?
- Burns in Children
- First Aid For Nosebleeds
- First Aid For Bee Stings
- First Aid For Bleeding
- First Aid For Fractures
- First Aid For Snake Bites
- First Aid, CPR
- First Aid For Electric Shock
- First Aid: Tooth Loss
Face up to the Challenge
Hard as it may be to accept, some children are born with birth defects. Sometimes physical and sometimes mental. Whichever it is, it should be diagnosed in time and treated accordingly. The sooner it is diagnosed the sooner you can get some help.
- The Mentally Challenged Child
- The Visually Challenged Child
- The Aurally Challenged Child
- Dyslexia: Amit's World
- Detect Learning Disabilities in Children
- Pervasive Developmental Disorders
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- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Search This Blog
Monday, June 16, 2008
Disciplining Children
When children are born, they are like blank slates on which their parents' help to script the beginnings of the stories of their lives. Every child grows up and ultimately charts his own destiny, but his parents lay the foundation.
- Does Your Child Respect Teachers?
- Indiscipline
- Disciplining your Child
- Anger and Parenting
- Punishment: Need for Restraint - By Dr. Shendurnikar
- Helping Your Child Control Anger - By Dr. Dadachanji
- Will Children Ever Learn to Respect their Possessions?
- Don't Talk to Strangers
- My Children Only Respond When I'm Angry
- Drawing the Line Between Discipline and Meanness
- Dealing with Stubborn Children
- My child is slowcoach
- Shopping with your Child
- Teaching your child about safety
- Getting a pet
- Bossy children
- Teaching the Art of Polite Conversation
- Coming to Blows
- Establishing desired behavioural patterns in children
- Why is bedtime... battle time?
- Does your child nurture a hobby?
- Do you have a jack-of-all-trades in your home?
- Why Do Children Brag?
- Coping With Anger
- Are You Spoiling Your Child?
- Respect Your Grandparents
- Shower Twice A Day
- Getting Children Away from Television - Anuradha
- Do you spank your child?
- Does Your Child Watch Too Much TV?
- How to handle your child's TV time
- Have the courage to say 'no' to your children
- Bed Time
- Disciplining Takes Discipline
- Time is of Essence
- Temper Control
- Hardworking Children
- Actions Vs. Words
- Always Late!
- Sowing Seeds of Obedience
- Ensuring Obedience
- Join the Debate
- Five Reasons Not to Hit Your Kids
- Spare the Rod
The Hyperactive Child
Shivani Goel describes her six-year-old son Arun as a 'human dynamo.' "He won't sit still for a minute. He's constantly up to some mischief." You can't expect children to be well behaved at all times. But if it's excessive, then your child may have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHS).
- The Overactive Child
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- The Causes of ADHD
- Coping with ADHD
- FAQs on ADD and AHDH
- Catch A Kid Doing Good!
- Shopping with Kids
Dirty Words and Obscenity
Shyama Dalal was horrified when her five-year-old son, Vinay, called her a b----- in the middle of a routine argument. Four-year-old Sonu was engrossed in looking at colour photographs in a glossy. The picture was of a woman in the nude. His mother was visibly disturbed.
- My Child Uses Dirty Words
- Is that Obscene? - By Srijaya Char
- Do you swear in front of your kids?
- 'Bad Words'
Table manners definitely don't come to children naturally. They either gobble their food or push it around or off their plates. They don't eat with their fingers, they eat with their hands - often both.
- Back to School
- Teaching Respect
- Library Manners
- Teaching Table Manners
- Tips on how to Teach your Child Table Manners
- Have you made your child cleanliness-conscious?
- Building children's character
- Eating Out
- Manners When Visiting
- Saying "Thank You"
- Being Good Hosts
- Materialistic Children
- Teach Your Children Manners
- The Importance of Conduct
- Visiting
- The Polished Child
- Teaching by Example
- Dinner Party Manners
- Teach Your Child to Behave at a Party
- Basic Manners for Children
Homework Woes
While children have never been enthusiastic about doing homework in the first place, they now view homework as being the last straw that broke the camel's back as they try to juggle school, tuition classes and other extracurricular activities.
- The Horrors of Homework
- Tuitions
Chores and Housework
After years of having their parents pamper them, it comes as a rude shock to children that they're actually expected to pull their weight in the house.
Make your Child a "Perfect Little Helper"
When children are born, they are like blank slates on which their parents' help to script the beginnings of the stories of their lives. Every child grows up and ultimately charts his own destiny, but his parents lay the foundation.
- Does Your Child Respect Teachers?
- Indiscipline
- Disciplining your Child
- Anger and Parenting
- Punishment: Need for Restraint - By Dr. Shendurnikar
- Helping Your Child Control Anger - By Dr. Dadachanji
- Will Children Ever Learn to Respect their Possessions?
- Don't Talk to Strangers
- My Children Only Respond When I'm Angry
- Drawing the Line Between Discipline and Meanness
- Dealing with Stubborn Children
- My child is slowcoach
- Shopping with your Child
- Teaching your child about safety
- Getting a pet
- Bossy children
- Teaching the Art of Polite Conversation
- Coming to Blows
- Establishing desired behavioural patterns in children
- Why is bedtime... battle time?
- Does your child nurture a hobby?
- Do you have a jack-of-all-trades in your home?
- Why Do Children Brag?
- Coping With Anger
- Are You Spoiling Your Child?
- Respect Your Grandparents
- Shower Twice A Day
- Getting Children Away from Television - Anuradha
- Do you spank your child?
- Does Your Child Watch Too Much TV?
- How to handle your child's TV time
- Have the courage to say 'no' to your children
- Bed Time
- Disciplining Takes Discipline
- Time is of Essence
- Temper Control
- Hardworking Children
- Actions Vs. Words
- Always Late!
- Sowing Seeds of Obedience
- Ensuring Obedience
- Join the Debate
- Five Reasons Not to Hit Your Kids
- Spare the Rod
The Hyperactive Child
Shivani Goel describes her six-year-old son Arun as a 'human dynamo.' "He won't sit still for a minute. He's constantly up to some mischief." You can't expect children to be well behaved at all times. But if it's excessive, then your child may have Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHS).
- The Overactive Child
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- The Causes of ADHD
- Coping with ADHD
- FAQs on ADD and AHDH
- Catch A Kid Doing Good!
- Shopping with Kids
Dirty Words and Obscenity
Shyama Dalal was horrified when her five-year-old son, Vinay, called her a b----- in the middle of a routine argument. Four-year-old Sonu was engrossed in looking at colour photographs in a glossy. The picture was of a woman in the nude. His mother was visibly disturbed.
- My Child Uses Dirty Words
- Is that Obscene? - By Srijaya Char
- Do you swear in front of your kids?
- 'Bad Words'
Table manners definitely don't come to children naturally. They either gobble their food or push it around or off their plates. They don't eat with their fingers, they eat with their hands - often both.
- Back to School
- Teaching Respect
- Library Manners
- Teaching Table Manners
- Tips on how to Teach your Child Table Manners
- Have you made your child cleanliness-conscious?
- Building children's character
- Eating Out
- Manners When Visiting
- Saying "Thank You"
- Being Good Hosts
- Materialistic Children
- Teach Your Children Manners
- The Importance of Conduct
- Visiting
- The Polished Child
- Teaching by Example
- Dinner Party Manners
- Teach Your Child to Behave at a Party
- Basic Manners for Children
Homework Woes
While children have never been enthusiastic about doing homework in the first place, they now view homework as being the last straw that broke the camel's back as they try to juggle school, tuition classes and other extracurricular activities.
- The Horrors of Homework
- Tuitions
Chores and Housework
After years of having their parents pamper them, it comes as a rude shock to children that they're actually expected to pull their weight in the house.
Make your Child a "Perfect Little Helper"
Is breast feeding necessary? What are its advantages and disadvantages. How does one deal with sore nipples? Read on for everything you need to know on breastfeeding.
- Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Basics of Breastfeeding
- Medications Safe for Nursing Mothers
- Is the Quantity of my Breast Milk enough
- Supplementing Breastmilk (Water, Vitamins, etc)
- Expressing (Drawing Out) Breast Milk
- Problems in Breastfeeding and When not to Feed
- Weaning your Breastfed Baby
- Some Tips on Breastfeeding your Baby
- Diet During Breastfeeding
- Breastmilk FAQs
- Stools and Breastfeeding
- Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding Primer
- Breastfeeding FAQs
- Breastfeeding Primer II
Bottle Feeding
You find bottle feeding more convenient, but will it benefit your baby. What are the pros and cons of bottlefeeding. Read on for more information.
- Pros and Cons of Bottlefeeding
- Preparation of Feeds
- Tips for Successful Bottle-feeding
Introduction of Solids
Is your baby ready for a change of diet? Should you start of on solids immedietely. Or should the baby be gradually weaned away from mothers milk? At what age can you give your baby a full regular milk. Find out all this and more.
- Weaning the Baby
- Foods to be Introduced in the First year
- Feeding the Baby in the Second Year
- Baby Food Recipes
- Choking Hazards
Baby's Diet For Good Health
You want to give your baby a nutritious diet so that he remains healthy. How do you ensure that he gets all of the essential vitamins and minerals, calcium and proteins.
Benefits of Turmeric
Find out more on Healthy Baby Diet
Principles for Feeding Infants
Related Articles
- Breastfeeding and the New Dad
- Feeding the Fussy Child
- Vitamin Deficiency
- The Fat Child
- Eating Habits of Your Child
Is breast feeding necessary? What are its advantages and disadvantages. How does one deal with sore nipples? Read on for everything you need to know on breastfeeding.
- Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Basics of Breastfeeding
- Medications Safe for Nursing Mothers
- Is the Quantity of my Breast Milk enough
- Supplementing Breastmilk (Water, Vitamins, etc)
- Expressing (Drawing Out) Breast Milk
- Problems in Breastfeeding and When not to Feed
- Weaning your Breastfed Baby
- Some Tips on Breastfeeding your Baby
- Diet During Breastfeeding
- Breastmilk FAQs
- Stools and Breastfeeding
- Benefits of Breastfeeding
- Breastfeeding Primer
- Breastfeeding FAQs
- Breastfeeding Primer II
Bottle Feeding
You find bottle feeding more convenient, but will it benefit your baby. What are the pros and cons of bottlefeeding. Read on for more information.
- Pros and Cons of Bottlefeeding
- Preparation of Feeds
- Tips for Successful Bottle-feeding
Introduction of Solids
Is your baby ready for a change of diet? Should you start of on solids immedietely. Or should the baby be gradually weaned away from mothers milk? At what age can you give your baby a full regular milk. Find out all this and more.
- Weaning the Baby
- Foods to be Introduced in the First year
- Feeding the Baby in the Second Year
- Baby Food Recipes
- Choking Hazards
Baby's Diet For Good Health
You want to give your baby a nutritious diet so that he remains healthy. How do you ensure that he gets all of the essential vitamins and minerals, calcium and proteins.
Benefits of Turmeric
Find out more on Healthy Baby Diet
Principles for Feeding Infants
Related Articles
- Breastfeeding and the New Dad
- Feeding the Fussy Child
- Vitamin Deficiency
- The Fat Child
- Eating Habits of Your Child
What is IQ? Can it be Improved?
- Left Brain, Right Brain
- Intelligence - Can it be improved?
- Can Parents Enhance their Child's IQ
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- How to increase your child's atention span
- Harry Potter Hype
- Do You Hear What I Hear?
- Learning to Read
- Is Your Child Computer Savvy?
- Essay Writing
- De-Stress Your Child
- Help Your Child Study
- Boost Your Child's IQ
- The Numbers Game
- Learning Through Play
- Games Children Play
- Improve Your Child's Memory
Enhancing your Child's Intelligence
- Computer Savvy
- Read and Grow
- India through Classic Tales
- Nature
- Focus
- Educative Games
- Building Knowledge
- Is Playschool Education Necessary?
- Reading Newspapers
- Teach Your Child Chess
- Is Your Child Clueless?
- A Foreign Language
- Movies To Watch
- In Defense of Humour
- Playshool Admission - by Monisha Sen
- Homework Woes
- Home Schooling
- The Supermarket
- Love for Knowledge
- Nursery Rhymes
- Teaching Toddlers
- Tell Me A Story - by Aparna
- Learning Experiences
- Create A Home Library
- Love of Reading
- A Good Book
- Reading Aloud
- Make Study Fun!
- Music Teacher
- Signing Tips
- Teaching Independence
- Teaching Babies Numbers
- Holistic Learning
- Using Holistic Learning Techniques
- The Looker, the Mover and the Listener
The Infant
- Is Your Baby a Looker, a Listener, or a Mover? Checklist
- Your Baby is a Looker
- Your Baby is a Listener
- Your Baby Is A Mover
The Toddler
- Is Your Toddler a Looker, a Listener or a Mover? Checklist
- Your Toddler is a Looker
- Your Toddler is a Listener
- Your Toddler is a Mover
- Let Us Learn From Our Toddlers - Chandrima Pal
Super Intelligent Children
- The Gifted Child
- Studying the Right Way
- How to recognize a 'gifted' child?
- Is your child a nerd?
- Are you trying to Create a Superkid too? - Aarti Mehta
Interesting Activities
- Read and Grow
- Invite Birds Home
- Bird Watching
- The Art of Bonsai
- Children and Plants
- Are You and Your Baby Bored?
- Making Vegetable Stamps
- Making faces on Eggshell
- Making Costumes
- An activity for each day of the week
- The Anywhere Anytime Activity
- Tree Gazing
- Just Strummin'
- Create a Family Tree
- Art and Your Child
- Star-gazing in the night sky
- The Effect of Music
- Oil Paintings
- Pressing Flowers
- Project: Scrap Book
- Crazy Crayons
- Picnic
- Homemade Toys
- Holiday at Home
- Scrapbooks
- Budding Artists
- Introducing Children to Photography
- Beyond Harry Potter
- Teaching Children to Love Nature
- Taking Photographs of Nature
- The Right Equipment for Bird Watching
- Making Your Own Scrapbook
- Face Painting
- Introducing Children to Gardening
- MORE ....
- Pre-school Admission Blues - Shital Mehta
- The Relevance of Education - Darlene Fernandez
- The School Interview
- Train your child for the first school interview
- Have you prepared your child for school?
- The Importance of Play Schools
- Day Care
- Breaking free from the web of private tuitions - Aarti Shah
- Poor in Studies?
- Scoring High Marks
- Schools
- Free Education at What Cost?
- Teaching With Sensitivity
- Co-Education, Good or Bad?
- Coping with Dyslexia
- Friends at School
- Coping with Failing
- School Involvement
- Bad Marks?
- School Interview Prep
- Planned Study
- Help your Child Study for Exams
- First Stage Performance
- Time Management for Kids
- Teaching a Learning-Disabled Child
- Help Your Child Prepare For Exams
Related Articles
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- Politically Aware Children
- Parenting Resolutions
- Gandhiji's Teachings
- Motivation: The Key to Your Child's Educational Success
- Career Options
- Get Involved
- Curbing Computer Use
- Emotional Intelligence and Your Child
- Left Brain, Right Brain
- Intelligence - Can it be improved?
- Can Parents Enhance their Child's IQ
- Gift the reading habit
- Top 10 Children's Bestsellers
- How to increase your child's atention span
- Harry Potter Hype
- Do You Hear What I Hear?
- Learning to Read
- Is Your Child Computer Savvy?
- Essay Writing
- De-Stress Your Child
- Help Your Child Study
- Boost Your Child's IQ
- The Numbers Game
- Learning Through Play
- Games Children Play
- Improve Your Child's Memory
Enhancing your Child's Intelligence
- Computer Savvy
- Read and Grow
- India through Classic Tales
- Nature
- Focus
- Educative Games
- Building Knowledge
- Is Playschool Education Necessary?
- Reading Newspapers
- Teach Your Child Chess
- Is Your Child Clueless?
- A Foreign Language
- Movies To Watch
- In Defense of Humour
- Playshool Admission - by Monisha Sen
- Homework Woes
- Home Schooling
- The Supermarket
- Love for Knowledge
- Nursery Rhymes
- Teaching Toddlers
- Tell Me A Story - by Aparna
- Learning Experiences
- Create A Home Library
- Love of Reading
- A Good Book
- Reading Aloud
- Make Study Fun!
- Music Teacher
- Signing Tips
- Teaching Independence
- Teaching Babies Numbers
- Holistic Learning
- Using Holistic Learning Techniques
- The Looker, the Mover and the Listener
The Infant
- Is Your Baby a Looker, a Listener, or a Mover? Checklist
- Your Baby is a Looker
- Your Baby is a Listener
- Your Baby Is A Mover
The Toddler
- Is Your Toddler a Looker, a Listener or a Mover? Checklist
- Your Toddler is a Looker
- Your Toddler is a Listener
- Your Toddler is a Mover
- Let Us Learn From Our Toddlers - Chandrima Pal
Super Intelligent Children
- The Gifted Child
- Studying the Right Way
- How to recognize a 'gifted' child?
- Is your child a nerd?
- Are you trying to Create a Superkid too? - Aarti Mehta
Interesting Activities
- Read and Grow
- Invite Birds Home
- Bird Watching
- The Art of Bonsai
- Children and Plants
- Are You and Your Baby Bored?
- Making Vegetable Stamps
- Making faces on Eggshell
- Making Costumes
- An activity for each day of the week
- The Anywhere Anytime Activity
- Tree Gazing
- Just Strummin'
- Create a Family Tree
- Art and Your Child
- Star-gazing in the night sky
- The Effect of Music
- Oil Paintings
- Pressing Flowers
- Project: Scrap Book
- Crazy Crayons
- Picnic
- Homemade Toys
- Holiday at Home
- Scrapbooks
- Budding Artists
- Introducing Children to Photography
- Beyond Harry Potter
- Teaching Children to Love Nature
- Taking Photographs of Nature
- The Right Equipment for Bird Watching
- Making Your Own Scrapbook
- Face Painting
- Introducing Children to Gardening
- MORE ....
- Pre-school Admission Blues - Shital Mehta
- The Relevance of Education - Darlene Fernandez
- The School Interview
- Train your child for the first school interview
- Have you prepared your child for school?
- The Importance of Play Schools
- Day Care
- Breaking free from the web of private tuitions - Aarti Shah
- Poor in Studies?
- Scoring High Marks
- Schools
- Free Education at What Cost?
- Teaching With Sensitivity
- Co-Education, Good or Bad?
- Coping with Dyslexia
- Friends at School
- Coping with Failing
- School Involvement
- Bad Marks?
- School Interview Prep
- Planned Study
- Help your Child Study for Exams
- First Stage Performance
- Time Management for Kids
- Teaching a Learning-Disabled Child
- Help Your Child Prepare For Exams
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- Politically Aware Children
- Parenting Resolutions
- Gandhiji's Teachings
- Motivation: The Key to Your Child's Educational Success
- Career Options
- Get Involved
- Curbing Computer Use
- Emotional Intelligence and Your Child
All About Crying
Your baby seems to cry all the time. What do you do? First you must understand what your baby is trying to tell you. Find out ways to transform a crying child into a happy cheerful one.
- Why do Babies Cry
- Coping with Crying
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Respond or Ignore?
Diapering and Grooming your Baby
How often do you need to change your baby's diaper? Cloth or disposables? Which is more practical and which is more comfortable? If you need advise about nail clipping, hair and skin care, you've come to the right place.
- Baby Acne
- Understanding Baby's Skin
- Basics on Diapering your Baby
- Types and Treatment of Diaper Rash
- Grooming your Baby
- Understanding Cradle Cap
Bowel and Bladder Movements
This is your first child and you have no idea how often it needs to relieve itself. Is it too little or too much? How do you relieve this little thing of diaper rash. Find out more about the correct bladder and bowel functioning of your child.
- Bladder Movements
- Bowel Movements
- Common Problems with Bowel Movements
Baby's Sleeping
Your baby seems to sleep all day. Naturally you are concerned. There is nothing to worry about as each baby follows its own sleeping pattern. Find out more on the sleeping habits of infants.
- Infant Sleep Safety
- Basics on Sleeping
- Problems in Sleeping through the Night
- Hush, Little Baby
- Flat Head
- Sleeping Tips
- Sleep Like A Baby
Massaging and Bathing
Will a massage harm or help your baby? What oils can one use? How careful should you be about giving your baby a bath? Find out more on massaging and bathing your newborn.
- Massaging the Baby
- Bathing your Baby
Baby's Laundry
Suddenly your house is filled with dirty diapers and stained clothes - yours and the baby's. How do you remove these stains? What kind of detergents and fabric softners are you allowed to use in baby clothes?
- Read on for more tips
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- APGAR Score
- Unique Gift Ideas For Newborns
- How to tell your Newborn is Sick? - By Dr. Shendurnikar
- Providing a Safe Environment for your Baby
- How safe is your baby at home?
- Welcome to Motherhood - Kirthi
- New Mom Survival Guide
- Baby Skin Care
- Bonding with Baby
- Baby Book
- What's in a Name?
- The Naming Game
- Buying for Baby - II
- The Premature Child
- Keeping Baby Occupied
- Coping with Guilt
- Networking for Mothers
- Flying with Baby
- Traveling with Baby
- Babysitters, Cr裨es Or Just Stay-At-Home-Mothers?
Your baby seems to cry all the time. What do you do? First you must understand what your baby is trying to tell you. Find out ways to transform a crying child into a happy cheerful one.
- Why do Babies Cry
- Coping with Crying
- Shaken Baby Syndrome
- Respond or Ignore?
Diapering and Grooming your Baby
How often do you need to change your baby's diaper? Cloth or disposables? Which is more practical and which is more comfortable? If you need advise about nail clipping, hair and skin care, you've come to the right place.
- Baby Acne
- Understanding Baby's Skin
- Basics on Diapering your Baby
- Types and Treatment of Diaper Rash
- Grooming your Baby
- Understanding Cradle Cap
Bowel and Bladder Movements
This is your first child and you have no idea how often it needs to relieve itself. Is it too little or too much? How do you relieve this little thing of diaper rash. Find out more about the correct bladder and bowel functioning of your child.
- Bladder Movements
- Bowel Movements
- Common Problems with Bowel Movements
Baby's Sleeping
Your baby seems to sleep all day. Naturally you are concerned. There is nothing to worry about as each baby follows its own sleeping pattern. Find out more on the sleeping habits of infants.
- Infant Sleep Safety
- Basics on Sleeping
- Problems in Sleeping through the Night
- Hush, Little Baby
- Flat Head
- Sleeping Tips
- Sleep Like A Baby
Massaging and Bathing
Will a massage harm or help your baby? What oils can one use? How careful should you be about giving your baby a bath? Find out more on massaging and bathing your newborn.
- Massaging the Baby
- Bathing your Baby
Baby's Laundry
Suddenly your house is filled with dirty diapers and stained clothes - yours and the baby's. How do you remove these stains? What kind of detergents and fabric softners are you allowed to use in baby clothes?
- Read on for more tips
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- Top 5 Concerns of a New Mom
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- Pacifiers
- Colicky Babies
- Tips on Coping with Colic
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- APGAR Score
- Unique Gift Ideas For Newborns
- How to tell your Newborn is Sick? - By Dr. Shendurnikar
- Providing a Safe Environment for your Baby
- How safe is your baby at home?
- Welcome to Motherhood - Kirthi
- New Mom Survival Guide
- Baby Skin Care
- Bonding with Baby
- Baby Book
- What's in a Name?
- The Naming Game
- Buying for Baby - II
- The Premature Child
- Keeping Baby Occupied
- Coping with Guilt
- Networking for Mothers
- Flying with Baby
- Traveling with Baby
- Babysitters, Cr裨es Or Just Stay-At-Home-Mothers?
Problems in Getting Pregnant
Your biological clock is ticking. Time is running out. You have been trying to get pregnant. But nothing is happening? Could you have a problem? Find out if you need to consult a specialist.
- Having trouble Getting Pregnant?
- Seeking Professional Advise
- Help in Conceiving through Yoga
- In Vitro Fertilisation
- Embryo Transfer
- Embryo Freezing
- IVF Questions
- Understanding IVF
- Second Time Around
- Increase Conception Odds
- Infertility and Stress
By Dr. Malpani:
- Do you have an infertility problem?
- Are you doing it Right?
- When should you start worrying and seek medical advice?
Female Infertility
Do you know that not all females ovulate every month? Are you regularly ovulating? If not, there are plenty of solutions. Find out more about the causes and solutions.
- Causes and Investigations
- Treatment of Female Infertility
- Clomid: Frequently Asked Questions
Male Infertility
Did you know that 45% of infertility is due to males? Has your husband got his sperm count checked? Could there be any other problem? Don't worry, whatever the problem, there are plenty of solutions.
- Causes of Male Infertility
- Investigations and Treatment
Recent Advances in Medicine
There are more ways to get pregnant than you know. Ongoing research in the field of pregnancy induction has allowed couples to bear healthy children successfully. And have no fear, this will be your secret.
- Artificial Insemination
- Test-Tube Pregnancies and G.I.F.T
- GIFT A Life
Adoption can be a wonderful thing. On the one hand, you have orphaned children; on the other, you have infertile couples who long for a child.
- Coming to Terms with Infertility
- Adoption: Should I Consider It?
- Adoption Laws of India
- The Beginning of a Dream - I - Purnima Mirchandani
- My Dream - My Daughter - II - Purnima Mirchandani
- My Dream - My Daughter - III - Purnima Mirchandani
- My Dream - My Daughter - IV - Purnima Mirchandani
- My Dream - My Daughter - V - Purnima Mirchandani
Your biological clock is ticking. Time is running out. You have been trying to get pregnant. But nothing is happening? Could you have a problem? Find out if you need to consult a specialist.
- Having trouble Getting Pregnant?
- Seeking Professional Advise
- Help in Conceiving through Yoga
- In Vitro Fertilisation
- Embryo Transfer
- Embryo Freezing
- IVF Questions
- Understanding IVF
- Second Time Around
- Increase Conception Odds
- Infertility and Stress
By Dr. Malpani:
- Do you have an infertility problem?
- Are you doing it Right?
- When should you start worrying and seek medical advice?
Female Infertility
Do you know that not all females ovulate every month? Are you regularly ovulating? If not, there are plenty of solutions. Find out more about the causes and solutions.
- Causes and Investigations
- Treatment of Female Infertility
- Clomid: Frequently Asked Questions
Male Infertility
Did you know that 45% of infertility is due to males? Has your husband got his sperm count checked? Could there be any other problem? Don't worry, whatever the problem, there are plenty of solutions.
- Causes of Male Infertility
- Investigations and Treatment
Recent Advances in Medicine
There are more ways to get pregnant than you know. Ongoing research in the field of pregnancy induction has allowed couples to bear healthy children successfully. And have no fear, this will be your secret.
- Artificial Insemination
- Test-Tube Pregnancies and G.I.F.T
- GIFT A Life
Adoption can be a wonderful thing. On the one hand, you have orphaned children; on the other, you have infertile couples who long for a child.
- Coming to Terms with Infertility
- Adoption: Should I Consider It?
- Adoption Laws of India
- The Beginning of a Dream - I - Purnima Mirchandani
- My Dream - My Daughter - II - Purnima Mirchandani
- My Dream - My Daughter - III - Purnima Mirchandani
- My Dream - My Daughter - IV - Purnima Mirchandani
- My Dream - My Daughter - V - Purnima Mirchandani
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