Asthma is a respiratory disorder, where the patient suffers form breathing difficulty. The intensity of asthma could vary form mild to severe. If neglected, the attack could prove to be fatal.
Asthma occurs due to the abnormal contraction of bronchial tubes. [Which connect the wind pipe (trachea) to the lungs]. This results in insufficient supply of air and oxygen to the lungs, leading to wheezing & Breathlessness.
It could be a natural cause, inherited by parents or an unnatural one, caused due to exposure to allergens like smoke, vehicular and industrial emission, dust, pollen etc. accordingly asthma is classified into Bronchial and Allergic Asthma. However in chronic cases of asthma, lack of oxygen supply to the heart can damage cardiac muscles, known as myo-cardiac infarction, leading to heart attacks. This type is known as Cardiac Asthma.
According to Ayurveda, lack of oxygen supply to the lungs, causes water or fluid collection in the lungs, which lodges as phlegm or mucus. This may even spread to the windpipe and bronchial tubes blocking air passage and hence the heavy breathing. This phlegm is called 'kapha' in Ayurveda.
Expectorant herbs are used to dispel kapha. Herbs promoting digestion, stimulants and carminatives are used in major anti-kapha therapy.
They are hot, pungent herbs that strengthen Agni, enhance metabolism and circulation, thus accelerating the dissolving action on inert kapha. According to Ayurveda, hot and pungent spices are very effective expectorant and mucolyctic agents. Baidyanath has a battery of highly potent ayurvedic medicines that can counter the ill effects of respiratory disorders, most effectively, restore normal breathing and revitalize the system.
(With Swarna Bhasma)
Active ingredients: Lauha Bhasma, Purified Sulphur, Purified Mercury, Abhrak Bhasma (mica ash), Swarna Bhasma, Mo9thi Bhasma, Swarna Makshik Bhasma etc.
Indications: Chronic cough, Asthma, Phthisis (Pulmonary tuberculosis), Congestive delirium etc.
Benefits: Swas Chintamani acts as an excellent alternative and tonic. It can rectify diverse types of Congestive disorders. It can effectively combat long drawn coughs and colds, Respiratory Congestive fevers, Delirium, Pulmonary & Tracheal congestions. This can also energize a patient, pulled down by wheezing.
Dosage and Vehicle: 1-1 tablets for adults in the morning & evening / every 3 hours, 4-5 times, with the juice of betel leaf & honey.
Packing: 20 tabs, 8 tabs, & 4 tabs.
Active Ingredients: Dhatura (shwetha), vasa, pippali, Brohatha, Nagakeshar, Talispatra, Bharangi, Dhataki.
Indications: Asthma, Chronic respiratory disorders, acute & long-drawn cough & flatulence.
Dosage & Vehicle: 3 to 6 tea spoonful with equal quantity of water, twice a day after meals.
Packing: 455 ml & 275 ml
Active Ingredients: Pippalimoola, Somlatha, Rassindhoor
Indications: Smoker's cough, allergic cough associated with respiratory distress. Asthma and Tropical eosinophilia.
Action: Bronchospasmolytic
Dosage: Children below 3 yrs ½ tab, children above 3 yrs 1 tab, adults 1-2 tabs or as directed by the physician.
Packing: 50 tablets.
Mringank Ras: Alterative, tonic and heamatinic. Stimulates lungs and heart, indicated in pulmonary diseases, chronic fever and cough bronchitis.
Mahamrigank Ras: Alterative, tonic and indicated in tuberculosis, cough, asthma, tones heart and lungs.
Mukta Pachamrit Ras: Alterative and tonic indicated in phthisis and tuberculosis.
Swarna Malini Basant (Brihat): Alterative and tonic indicated in cough, phthisis, asthma, fever and general debility.
Shwas Kuthar Ras: Anti spasmodic and diaphoretic, indicated in asthma, pneumonia.
Vasarishta: Expectorant, antispasmodic and antipyretic, indicated in asthma, bronchitis, phthisis and cough.
Babbularishta: Antispasmodic and antiphlogestic, indicated in chornic cough.
Bhringarajasav: Expectorant and stomachic, indicated in bronchitis, cold and catarrh.
Eladibati: Expectorant, demulcent, tonic and nutritive, indicated in respiratory disorders, bronchitis, cough and cold.
Vyoshadibati: Carminative and stimulant, indicated in bronchitis, cough and cold.
Marichyadibati: Effective in all types of coughs, tonsillitis and cold.
Sitopaladi Churna: Indicated in respiratory complaints, asthma, cough and cold.
Talisadi Churna: Alterative and expectorant, indicated in bronchitis and chronic fever.
Chandramrit Ras: antispasmodic and expectorant, indicated in bronchitis, cough and other chest diseases.
Abhrak Bhasma: Alterative indicated in tuberculosis and cough.
Abhrak Bhasma (Sahtputi): Indicated in asthma, bronchitis and cough.
Shringa Bhasma: Expectorant and diaphoretic, indicated in bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, cough and cold.
Chandanbalalakshadi Thaila: Antispasmodic, beneficial in treating cough, fever and chest pain.